Recorded by Doug Roche
@ Studio by the Lake:

Simple Measures - Waltz for CJ
- 2006 Doug Roche
- Doug Roche - piano
- Ron Bland - bass
- Mike Marlier - drums

PoeJazz - Inside You ~ the Lou Malandra Trio
- 2002 ALM
- Lou Malandra - poet
- Doug Roche - piano
- Bon Bland - bass

PoeJazz - Out of Our Silence ~ the Lou Malandra Trio
- 1998 ALM
- Lou Malandra - poet
- Doug Roche - piano
- Ron Bland - bass

Jan Cleveland - Love You Madly
- 2001 Performance 2000, Inc.
- Jan Cleveland - vocals
- Doug Roche - piano
- Ron Bland - bass
- Don Grove - drums
- Charlie Zanichelli - sax

Ron Moewes & Friends - All This You Gave to Me
- 2001 Jazz Link Enterprises
- Various artists
Other Recordings:

James Van Buren - Live at Littleton Town Hall
- 1993 Van Buren Records
- James Van Buren - vocals
- Doug Roche - keybords
- Dwight Kilian- bass
- Bruno Carr - drums
- Horace Butler - guitar and vocals
- Sam Mayfield - guitar
- Billy Tolles - sax and background vocals